Sunday, January 27, 2008

Supe XLII Prediction: Pats 31 Gints 30

Heard a great interview with Giants retired GM Ernie Accorsi on NFL Sunday this this morning (1.27.07) with Francesa. Accorsi made a helluva lotta sense as follows:

- As great as the Pats are, they really don't have as many Hall of Famers who are career Patriots (what name rolls off the tongue aside from Brady?) as other legendary franchises (i.e., The Pack, Steel Curtain). Says a lot about how the league has changed vis a vis free agency, and how Belichick has adapted to it.

- Giants D-line has to rattle Brady to have a shot. The Chargers did a bit and it rattled him into 3 picks, as opposed to the week before against the Jags when he went untouched and was 26 out of 28 (with a drop by Welker).

- Giants O-line has to protect Eli so he can hit the quick openers and quick outs that are the Pats defensive weakness due to their aging backers. This'll set up the one (Jacobs) two (Bradshaw) punch.

I say that based on "familiarity breeding contempt" the Giants show up and give us a game, which is all you can ask for against the greatest single season machine - I mean team, of all time.


NYPI said...

This is a tough game for a Jets fan since it features our two most disliked teams. I guess I will root for a tie with alot of injuries.

BostonSports Fan said...

However, you don't need just hall of famers to win this game. How many on the G-Men are going to the Hall? Strahan? I agree with the fact you need to try to rattle Brady but can't you say that for every quarterback in the NFL.
Even a second-rate QB like Eli Manning can look good with time to throw.
I just can't see how this will be a game. Too many weapons on the Pats offense.

BostonSports Fan said...

Ernie Accorsi sucks!!

CTBob said... just convinced me to bet on the Giants! Sounds like a great analysis, even if it is mainly from WFAN! The only thing that keeps me glued to the second half is a resonable size bet!