Wednesday, November 05, 2008

“Living” History

Assuming you’re not a racial bigot, and putting aside party allegiances (if you can, and this is coming from an independent), how many days in your life can you say you witnessed or were truly a part of history that impacts you as a citizen of the USA (ok, so I gotta throw out the Mets WS win in 69 and I’m still waiting on the Vikes)?

Regardless of whether you voted for or against Obama, can anyone deny that last night was an amazing event that we will reference for the rest of our lives?

I’m fast approaching 50 and my list includes (in chronological order):

- Kennedy King, Kennedy assassinations…(ok, positive moments now...)
- Neil Armstrong landing on the Moon
- Watergate – Nixon’s Resignation Speech (get positive...)
- Challenger Disaster (still trying...)
- Reagan at the Berlin Wall, “Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!”
- President Clinton, “I did not have sexual relations with that woman” (hmmm...)
- 9-11 (I know, I know...)
- November 5th, 2008, Barack Obama elected as first Black President of the United States

What events am I missing? If none, then by my count last night is in the top ten, and if we’re just looking at positives, I’m thinking it’s in the top 3 – and that’s not accounting for order of importance...

Again, I’m no Democrat (or Republican) so I’m not talking policies or ideologies, I’m talking Brotherhood of Man – U.S. style….

Agree? Disagree? Thoughts??? (Click on the word "comment" to comment)

(By the way, you know you’re undergoing tremendous change when the first name of your President-elect gets underlined during spellcheck!)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Read Tom Freidman's editorial today, it's brilliant & will move you to tears. I am proud to be an American xoxoxo Cathy